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2024年5月8日,新加坡教育部长陈振声在国会书面答复官委议员乌莎拉妮关于各类学校艺术和音乐老师的配备问题。以下内容为新加坡眼根据国会英文资料翻译整理:学校艺术和音乐教师的配备22乌莎拉妮(官委议员)女士询问教育部长:(a) 有多少小学、中学和中学后教育阶段的艺术和音乐教师各自教授一门以上的科目?(b) 教育部是否考虑过让这些教师只专注于或主要专注于教授他们擅长的艺术类科目?(c) 如果考虑过,教育部能否提供有关这些考虑的最新信息?23乌莎拉妮(官委议员)女士询问教育部长:(a) 目前教育部在小学、中学和中学后教育阶段雇用了多少艺术和音乐教师?(b) 过去五年中,每年有多少在小学、中学和中学后教育阶段的艺术和音乐教师辞职?陈振声(教育部长)先生:教育部目前在学校聘用了约1900名艺术和音乐教师。约1100名在小学任教,其余则在中学和初级学院任教。他们中的大多数主要教授美术或音乐课程。他们的辞职率与整体教师队伍相当,过去五年每年约为2%至3%。以下是英文质询内容:DEPLOYMENT OF ART AND MUSIC TEACHERS IN SCHOOLS22Ms Usha Chandradasasked the Minister for Education (a) how many art and music teachers at the (i) primary (ii) secondary and (iii) post-secondary levels teach more than one subject each; (b) whether the Ministry has considered if it is feasible for these teachers to focus only or mainly on the teaching of the arts subjects that they specialise in; and (c) if so, whether the Ministry is able to provide an update on these considerations.23Ms Usha Chandradasasked the Minister for Education (a) how many art and music teachers are presently employed by the Ministry at the (i) primary (ii) secondary and (iii) post-secondary levels; and (b) for each year in the past five years, how many art and music teachers at the (i) primary (ii) secondary and (iii) post-secondary levels have resigned from their positions.Mr Chan Chun Sing: The Ministry of Education currently employs around 1,900 Art and Music teachers in schools. Around 1,100 teach in primary schools, while the remainder teach in secondary schools and junior colleges. Most of them teach Art or Music as their main subject. Their resignation rate has been comparable to that of the overall teaching workforce, at around 2% to 3% per year over the past five years.HQ丨编辑HQ丨编审新加坡国会丨来源免责声明:1.凡本公众号注明文章类型为“原创”的所有作品,版权属于看南洋和新加坡眼所有。其他媒体、网站或个人转载使用时必须注明:“文章来源:新加坡眼”。2.凡本公众号注明文章类型为“转载”、“编译”的所有作品,均转载或编译自其他媒体,目的在于传递更多有价值资讯,并不代表本公众号赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。视频直播新加坡眼旗下视频号你关注了吗?点击下面视频,查看更丰富的内容!直播等你来看,点击下方预约起来!上新加坡眼官网搜索更多关于新加坡的资讯